Key Definitions

Amphoteric – a compound that can react as a base and as an acid.

Antitussive – tending or having the power to act as a cough suppressant.

Constituent - a component part of something.

Contraindications – a condition or circumstance that suggests or indicates that a particular technique or drug should not be used in the case in question.

Hepatoprotective – the ability of a chemical substance to prevent damage to the liver.

Indications – A symptom that suggests certain medical treatment is necessary.

Woman with rms stretched, basking in the sunlight


Schisandra was traditionally used to bring harmony to the body’s systems and help the body retain energy. Schisandra is known today as an adaptogen, tonic and restorative that stimulates the body by improving circulation, strengthening the heart, aiding digestion and toning the liver and sex organs (Easley & Horne, 2016) (Chevallier, 2016).

Schisandra (known as Wu Wei Zi in Chinese) is part of the Schisandraceae plant family. Schisandra is a woody vine that can reach up to 8 m in height. It has pink flowers and red berries, which are harvested in Autumn and chewed as a tonic. Schisandra can be found in North-Eastern China (Chevallier, 2016).

Dried Schisandra berries in a wooden spoon

Constituents, Actions & Indications


Lignans (schizandrin, deoxyschizandrin, gomisin); triterpeneso; volatile oil; vitamins C and E (Chevallier, 2016).


Adaptogen; antitussive; hepatoprotective; immune amphoteric; lung tonic; moistening; nerve tonic (Easley & Horne, 2016) (Chevallier, 2016).


Low sex drive; strengthens & tones organs; protects liver; improve concentration & coordination; respiratory infections (Chevallier, 2016).

Beakers with a Plant in the Background

Scientific Research

Besides being an adaptogen, Schisandra is considered to be a “deep immune activator” as it impacts the immune system within the tissue that mediates its work (Hoffmann, 2003).
Research into the biological effects of Schisanrda is limited, but ongoing. Journal articles by Li, et al., 2018 and Kopustinskiene & Bernatoniene, 2021 show some of the biological effects that have been demonstrated across numerous studies. The following is a summary of those findings:

  1. Schisandra has exhibited potent immunomodulatory properties, and animal studies indicate that Schisandra berries may also be effective in preventing the side effects of radiotherapy.
  2. Studies done in 2015 and 2017 found that Schisandra berries possess antioxidant activity.
  3. Several studies indicated that Schisandra berries may offer anti-cancer and antitumour activities, especially in renal cell carcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma and lymphoma.
  4. Recent studies have shown that Schisandra berries offer hepatoprotective and hypolipidemic effects.
  5. Animal studies have indicated that Schisandra berries may offer anti-diabetic and hypoglycaemic effects.
  6. Besides the effects highlighted above, recent studies are suggesting that Schisandra berries may offer anti-fatigue, anti-tussive, anti-analgesia, anti-ageing, anti-allergic and anti-dyszoospermia activities.
Aether Apothecary Schisandra powder and tincture

Preparations & Dosage

Dried berries – take 10 berries once a day (Easley & Horne, 2016).

Decoction – for coughs and shortness of breath, take 30-240 mL three times a day (Easley & Horne, 2016) (Chevallier, 2016).

Tincture – take 1-3 mL three times a day of a 1:3 ratio tincture (containing dried berries and 40% alcohol) (Easley & Horne, 2016).

Capsule – take 500-1 500 mg capsules one to two times a day (Easley & Horne, 2016).

Shop our Schisandra Berry powder & tincture by Aether Apothecary.

Schisandra berry hot cocoa


Adaptogenic Hot Cocoa with Schisandra Berry Recipe

Schisandra berries have a salty, sour and slightly warm taste (Chevallier, 2016). The following recipe was taken from My Tiny Laguna Kitchen and is a warming adaptogenic recipe that tastes fantastic (Mary, 2019).


  • 1 cup Coconut milk
  • 1 tbsp Cacao wafers
  • 1-2 tbsp Coconut butter
  • ¼ Schisandra berry powder
  • ¼ tsp Stevia
  • Pinch of Cinnamon
  • Dried Rosebuds & petals as garnish


  1. Heat the Coconut milk in a pan, on the stove, to your desired temperature.
  2. Pour the warmed Coconut milk into a blender and add the remaining ingredients to the blender as well.
  3. Blend the mixture on high, until the Cocoa is smooth and creamy.
  4. Pour into a cut, garnish with Rose buds and petals, and enjoy.
The word Safety highlighted in Green

Safety Considerations

If you are taking prescription medication, then consult with your healthcare provider before taking Schisandra (Chevallier, 2016). Avoid overusing Shisandra as it may lead to insomnia and anxiety (Easley & Horne, 2016).


None known (Gardner & McGuffin, 2013).

Drug Interactions

Human studies have shown that Schisandra interacts with tacrolimus and talinolol, so avoid consuming Schisandra if taking these medications (Gardner & McGuffin, 2013).

Adverse Events & Side Effects

Large doses of Schisandra may cause heartburn (Chevallier, 2016) (Gardner & McGuffin, 2013).
Allergic reactions to Schisandra have been observed (Gardner & McGuffin, 2013).

Disclaimer spelled out wusing Scrabble Tiles


The information presented in this post is intended as an informational guide. The remedies, approaches and techniques described herein are meant to supplement, and not to substitute for, professional medical care or treatment. They should not be used to treat a serious ailment without prior consultation with a qualified health care professional.


  1. Chevallier, A., 2016. Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine. 3rd ed. New York: DK Publishing.
  2. Easley, T. & Horne, S., 2016. The Modern Herbal Dispensatory: A Medicine-Making Guide. California: North Atlantic Books.
  3. Gardner, Z. & McGuffin, M., 2013. Botanical Safety Handbook. 2nd ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  4. Hoffmann, D., 2003. Medical Herbalism: The Science and Practice of Herbal Medicine. 1st ed. Vermont: Healing Arts Press.
  5. Kopustinskiene, D. & Bernatoniene, J., 2021. Antioxidant effects of Schisandra chinensis fruits and their active constituents. Antioxidants,, 10(4), p. 620.
  6. Li, Z. et al., 2018. A review of polysaccharides from Schisandra chinensis and Schisandra sphenanthera: Properties, functions and applications. Carbohydrate Polymers, Volume 184, pp. 178-190.
  7. Mary, S., 2019. Adaptogenic Hot Cocoa with Schisandra Berry. [Online]
    Available at:
    [Accessed 27 08 2024].
Schisandra Infographic
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